RJ Bradbury Photography

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Workflow-ish & Portfolio Edit…..Hidden Images


I am just starting out a major overhaul of my workflow and along with my portfolio.  To sum it up its maddening, driving me crazy but it needs doing.  Got Lightroom 4 sat here in a box ready to be installed, bought a new storage system, about to buy some drives… I hate spending money on I.T but it has to be done. 

Still trying to figure it all out from card to import to processing to backup and delivery, when I have my workflow in place I will write a detailed blog post.  That bit is time and money consuming to plan out and rework but the hardest part hands down is the edit, currently my site galleries suck, so in a bid to sort all this out I have created a Master Portfolio Archive folder and am grabbing RAW & JPG files from shoots that I like.. I'm trying not to think too much about it and just go off gut feel, If I like it it goes in.  The edit will come later.

Whilst working through 2012 images I came across this one, I completely bypassed it during processing the images.  This is what's cool about this whole pain in the ass process, you can sometimes find hidden images.  I like the expression, simple natural pose and the textured background which by the way is one of those god awful crappy mottled blue muslin backgrounds, best way I have found to use one of those is to either burn it or less drastically don't light it and make it go dark and finally go black & white.  I think I by-passed the image because of the white t-shirt being so bright which will happen given the scene, its not blown out it just a smooth/flat t-shirt.  This image is going in the Master Folder.. no idea if t will make it in to the Galleries but for now I like it and am glad I found it.

Need to make some time to get all this sorted so over Christmas & New Year I’m going to get to work.  Wish me Luck

P.S  Changed the water mark on the suggestion of my good friend Mark Boadey , Lowered the opacity down to 10 (usually 30) and kept it small.
