#HrdLight - Sarah Mansfield…

Been a while since I added to the gallery for this project (its nearly complete).

The reason I enjoy using Hard Light so much is its simplicity, the depth and drama it can create.  You will all now know I am a huge fan of dramatic light and use of shadows.  Shadows help tell the story, show depth and shape.. with out shadows things a flat, boring and well just Meh!.

Sarah Mansfield ...

Sarah Mansfield ...

I knew it had to be black & white (highlight and shadow), the light, tones and location just screamed drama and black & white.  Lit with a single speed light modified with an Opteka 1/4 Grid (same thing as the Honl but cheaper), I own 3 of these things (2 are a tighter pattern) and I love them.  Sarah's look and complexion handled hard light with ease.  You can see a larger version in the gallery for the #HrdLight project.

I have a few more images to shoot for this project then its on to the next one, which I can’t wait for.
