RJ Bradbury Photography

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I Need... #03 #GOYA - Laura...

Some weeks ago I put a post up on social media stating that I am looking for subjects to photograph. I go in to detail about the I Need blog post but to summarise I need to Get Off My Ass and make portraits. #GOYA  - This is shoot number 3. 

Laura was sent a link to my blog post by a local photographer and friend, thank you Terry.

For this shoot we stuck to the studio. The next ones I am going to push for location to break away from where I am comfortable. 

Laura was great to work with, she turned up in a great dress and corset outfit with perfect makeup. My job editing was easy. 

The hard part was selecting a final image, I went back and forth between 3 frames and finally settled with the frame above. I love the little details in the edge of the mirror and the stolen moment feeling,  but I do feel it could be pushed further.  Thank fully the mirror is still at the studio (sorry Sis). 

I have no idea where these shoots are going to go or what to do with the images from them, some may end up in the book others will get buried.  The long and short of it is I need to keep working. #GOYA

Next up are location images. Your home, shed, car, place of work, that dump behind your house.. anywhere but the studio because I am getting far too dam comfortable in that space.

If you want to sign up to this madness you can do so on this blog post. 

Thank You